
Skill Details

Blazing Beast
Blazing Beast
<BP skill> Available when you have 500+ BP. Consumes 100 BP. Imbues the beast with Fire God Pa''agrio''s power. Received PvP damage -10% The beast deals repeated blows to nearby enemies. Summons Flame of Pa''agrio. <No cooldown for the following skills:> - Wild Rush - Wild Assault Note! Upon activating the skill, your BP cannot decrease for 3 sec. BP is decreased for 3 sec. when hit. The skill effect is momentarily cancelled when BP reaches 0. If the Blazing Beast is manually cancelled leaving the Pa''agrio''s Power Veil effect, it disappears when BP reaches 0.
Class Name Orc Lancer
Type Active
Casting Time -
Reuse Time -
Cast Range -
Classes with the same skill Assassin
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