




  • Pets are creatures that help you in combat.
  • Pets can use special items and skills.
  • There are 6 pets available: Kookaburra, Tiger, Wolf, Buffalo, Hawk, Dragon. Each of them has unique skills. To learn more, see: Pet Skills .
  • The pet management UI shows a pet's stats, skills, equipment and satiety level. To learn more, see: Pet Summon .
  • Pets gain XP while hunting alongside their owner, and level up when gaining enough XP. When they reach certain levels, they evolve. To learn more, see: Pet Level Up .
  • Pets can be summoned in regular hunting zones, but also at the world server, in the Olympiad and instance zones.
  • Unlike servitors, pets need to be fed. A hungry pet does not obey its owner.
  • Pets can be summoned with special items. You must have them in your inventory for the summoning to work.
  • A pet's power can be extracted in order to obtain Pet XP Crystals. These crystals can then be used to grant XP to other pets.
  • The game has a separate Pet Ranking that can be seen in the tab of the same name in the Rankings UI.

Summoning Items

  • To obtain a pet summoning item, you have to kill both the boss monster named Atingo and his pet.
  • Atingo appears randomly in the following hunting zones: Plains of the Lizardmen, Dragon Valley, Tower of Insolence, Orc Barracks.
    • Atingo always summons a pet to help him fight.
    • As a reward for defeating Atingo and his pet, you obtain a sealed pet necklace that lets you summon a pet of the same type.
    • Atingo may summon a Sin Eater instead of pets to help him. You don't get a necklace if you kill Sin Eater.
Atingo's Pet Summoning Item
Kookaburra Kookaburra's Necklace
Tiger Tiger's Necklace
Wolf Wolf's Necklace
Buffalo Buffalo's Necklace
Hawk Hawk's Necklace
Dragon Dragon's Necklace

Pet Summon

  • A pet is summoned when using its necklace. To unsummon it, use the 'Recall Pet' button in the Pet UI.
  • The necklace also displays the pet's name, its level and evolution level.
  • There are some restrictions for summoning a pet:
    • You can only summon one pet at a time.
    • You can have both a pet and a servitor summoned simultaneously.
    • You cannot summon a pet while in combat.
    • You cannot control a pet that is 20 levels higher than you.
    • You cannot summon a pet while riding a Wyvern. If a pet has already been summoned, it disappears when you mount.
  • A pet doesn't lose XP upon dying, but its owner gets a debuff. Should they summon another pet, the debuff is tranferred to them.
  • When you summon a pet again after its death, its HP/MP will be restored.
  • If you die when a pet is with you, the pet will be unsummoned.

Pet Level Up

  • When a pet participates in combat, it gains XP and grows stronger.
  • When a pet is summoned, two special panels appear: one for Beast Soulshots/Spiritshots, and the other for pet potions where you can specify when these should be used.
  • Don't forget to feed your pet: Its satiety level is decreasing when it is with you. It goes down at even faster rate in combat.
    • If a pet's satiety is lower than 50%, penalties are applied.
    • A pet cannot be summoned if its satiety is below 1%.
    • If a pet's satiety drops to 0, it stops fighting and no longer obeys its owner.
    • Use Pet Food to restore a pet's satiety (can be used automatically).
  • When a pet's owner gains XP for killing monsters, a part of it goes to their pet.
    • If a pet is 11 or more levels higher than a monster, neither a pet nor its owner acquires XP or loot for killing.
  • Some buffs used by the owner apply to their pet as well.
    • XP bonus buffs from skills and items are applied both to the owner and their pet.
  • The Sayha's Grace effect also applies to the pet.
    • If the owner doesn't have Sayha's Grace, the penalty for that is also applied to their pet.
    • The amount of consumed Sayha's Grace depends on the amount of XP the owner or their pet acquires.
    • If XP is only acquired by a pet, the amount of consumed Sayha's Grace depends on the amount of XP that the pet gains.
  • The amount of XP acquired by pets can be increased with a buff from the Bee Hive zone or from an item called Pet's XP Growth Scroll.
Buff/item Effects How to obtain
Pet Growth Effect P. Accuracy +30, M. Accuracy +30, acquired XP +100%. Removed when a pet dies or is recalled. Hunting in Bee Hive with a pet
Pet's XP Growth Scroll Pet's acquired XP +30%. Duration: 20 min. Cooldown: 1 min. Removed when a pet dies or is recalled. Opening Tag's Supplies
  • You may also use Pet XP Crystals to grant XP to your pets.
  • These crystals may vary according to their effect: Low-grade Pet XP Crystal, Pet XP Crystal, Improved Pet XP Crystal.
    • To get a Pet XP Crystal or an Improved Pet XP Crystal, you need to extract a pet's power with the help of NPCs Lemper and Cooper.
    • Low-grade Pet XP Crystal can be found in Tag's Supplies.
  • You can extract power from pets under the following conditions:
    • Power can only be extracted from pets whose level is between 50 and 90.
    • You can't extract power from summoned pets or pets with equipment.
    • When you extract power from a pet, you extract all of its XP. The pet disappears in the process.
  • Upon extracting power you get a Pet XP Crystal. The crystal type is determined by the level of the pet it's been extracted from:
Pet level XP Crystal
50-81 Pet XP Crystal
82-90 Improved Pet XP Crystal
  • Each crystal grants a certain amount of XP to a summoned pet:
Crystal XP
Low-grade Pet XP Crystal 1,000,000
Pet XP Crystal 100,000,000
Improved Pet XP Crystal 2,000,000,000

Pet Evolution

  • All pets can evolve. Initially a pet is at stage 0 of the evolution (1 star in the Pet window), then it can evolve up to stage 2.
Pet level Evolution stage Required item
Lv. 40 1st Regular Pet Training Guide
Lv. 76 2nd Advanced Pet Training Guide
  • To evolve a pet when it reaches the required level, press the Evolution button in the Pet UI.
    • Your Pet Training Guide (either Regular or Advanced) needs to be in your inventory.
    • The Evolution button is not available before reaching Lv. 40 and 76.
  • When a pet evolves, its appearance changes.
  • After reaching the 1st evolution stage, a pet gets a random name modifier and a passive skill that increases a random stat by +1, +2 or +3.
  • Upon the 2nd evolution higher-level pet skills become available.

Pet Items

  • Pets can use equipment for characters: weapons, helmets, upper armor, lower armor, gloves, shoes, necklaces, rings and earrings (no more than 2 rings and 2 earrings at a time).
  • Pets cannot use enchanted weapons, equipment with random stats, event items, time-limited or training equipment.
  • When an equipment piece is given to a pet, its active skills are unavailable.
  • When in combat, a pet makes a basic melee attack regardless of the equipped weapon type.
  • Some equipment's properties differ from their description and are re-calculated according to new standards.
  • Some stats - P. Accuracy, Atk. Spd., P. Critical Rate - are fixed regardless of the equipped weapon type.
  • Each pet type requires a specific weapon:
Pet Weapon type Buff
(with a weapon equipped)
(without a weapon equipped)
Kookaburra Rapier / Blunt M. Atk. +10%/+20%/+30%/+35%/+40% Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
Tiger Dagger P. Atk. +5%/+7%/+10%/+15%/+20%
Vital Point Attack Rate +10%/+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%
Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
Buffalo Blunt / Spear Blunt: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%
Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%
Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
Hawk Bow P. Atk. +5%/+7%/+10%/+12%/+15%
P. Accuracy +2/+3/+4/+4/+5
Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
Dragon Sword /
Ancient sword
Sword: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/+22%/+25%
Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/+22%/+25%
P. Critical Rate +10/+15/+20/+20/+20
Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
Wolf Dual swords / Fists Dual swords: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/ +25%/+30%
Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +10%/+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%
P. Critical Rate +10/+15/+20/+20/+20
Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. -10%
  • Pets can use firearms, but they don't get either buffs or debuffs for them.
  • Participating in the Purge lets you obtain special weapons that increase pets' P./M. Atk. when equipped. To learn more about Purge weapons, see: Purge .
  • Pets can use Beast Spiritshots and Soulshots as well as special potions that can be bought from NPC Cooper in Giran and Lemper in Aden:
Item Cost
Beast Spiritshot 55 adena + castle tax
Beast Soulshot 22 adena + castle tax
Pet's HP Potion (Exchangeable) 132 adena + castle tax
Pet Food 2200 adena + castle tax
  • The number of Beast Soulshots/Spiritshots consumed depends on a pet's level:
Pet level Consumption
1-75 1
76+ 2
  • The potion auto-use mode can be enabled in the Pet window. The health level at which potions are used is changed manually.
  • Pet's XP Growth Scroll can only be obtained from Tag's Supplies.

Pet Skills

  • Pets have their own skills. To learn more about them, use the Skills button in the Pet UI.
    • Upon clicking the Skills button, the list of available skills appears. You can check their cost and learn them at will.
  • Skills become more powerful as a pet levels up.
  • The following skills are available:

Common Skills

Steel Skin

  • Available to all pets.
  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Steel Skin
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Increases defense abilities according to the skill level.
For each level, P. Def. +20, M. Def. +15.
Increases defense abilities according to the skill level.
For each level, P. Def. +25, M. Def. +20.


Pet's Specific Skill: Kookaburra

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks with magic.

Rapier: M. Atk. +10%
Blunt weapon: M. Atk. +10%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Attacks with magic.

Rapier: M. Atk. +20%
Blunt weapon: M. Atk. +20%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Attacks with magic.

Rapier: M. Atk. +30%
Blunt weapon: M. Atk. +30%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Attacks with magic.

Rapier: M. Atk. +35%
Blunt weapon: M. Atk. +35%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Attacks with magic.

Rapier: M. Atk. +40%
Blunt weapon: M. Atk. +40%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.

Magic Missile

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
A magic attack.
Power 50.
A magic attack.
Power 60.
A magic attack.
Power 70.
A magic attack.
Power 80.
A magic attack.
Power 90.
A magic attack.
Power 100.
A magic attack.
Power 115.
A magic attack.
Power 130.
A magic attack.
Power 145.
A magic attack.
Power 160.
A magic attack.
Power 162.
A magic attack.
Power 164.
A magic attack.
Power 166.
A magic attack.
Power 168.
A magic attack.
Power 170.
A magic attack.
Power 172.
A magic attack.
Power 174.
A magic attack.
Power 176.
A magic attack.
Power 178.
A magic attack.
Power 180.


  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name

The pet buries itself becoming immobilized.
Increases the Magic Missile skill's power.

The pet cannot move for 30 sec.
P. Def. +30%
M. Def. +15%

The pet buries itself becoming immobilized.
Increases the Magic Missile skill's power.

The pet cannot move for 30 sec.
P. Def. +40%
M. Def. +20%

The pet buries itself becoming immobilized.
Increases the Magic Missile skill's power.

The pet cannot move for 30 sec.
P. Def. +50%
M. Def. +30%

The pet buries itself becoming immobilized.
Increases the Magic Missile skill's power.

The pet cannot move for 30 sec.
P. Def. +70%
M. Def. +50%

The pet buries itself becoming immobilized.
Increases the Magic Missile skill's power.

The pet cannot move for 30 sec.
P. Def. +100%
M. Def. +70%

Chain Block

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 6,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 8,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Immobilizes the target and blocks attacking skills.
Immobilizes the target and blocks attacking skills.
Immobilizes the target and blocks attacking skills.
Immobilizes the target and blocks attacking skills.
Immobilizes the target and blocks attacking skills.

Blocked Target Change

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Blocked Target Change
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
A character switches places with the target affected by Chain Block.
A character switches places with the target affected by Chain Block.
A character switches places with the target affected by Chain Block.
A character switches places with the target affected by Chain Block.
A character switches places with the target affected by Chain Block.


Pet's Specific Skill: Tiger

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Aims at the enemy's vital spots.

Dagger: P. Atk. +5%, Vital Point Attack Rate +10%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Aims at the enemy's vital spots.

Dagger: P. Atk. +7%, Vital Point Attack Rate +15%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Aims at the enemy's vital spots.

Dagger: P. Atk. +10%, Vital Point Attack Rate +20%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Aims at the enemy's vital spots.

Dagger: P. Atk. +15%, Vital Point Attack Rate +25%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Aims at the enemy's vital spots.

Dagger: P. Atk. +20%, Vital Point Attack Rate +30%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.

Breaking Blaster

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 128.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 496.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 688.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 1597.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 3261.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 5120.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 6119.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 7151.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 8220.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9053.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9199.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9346.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9503.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9652.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9802.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 9952.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 10111.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 10264.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 10416.
Attacks with claws tearing the enemy to pieces.
Attacks vital points.
Power 10570.

Blinking Attack

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Teleports behind the target's back and attacks.
Power 890.
Teleports behind the target's back and attacks.
Power 2350.
Teleports behind the target's back and attacks.
Power 4000.
Teleports behind the target's back and attacks.
Power 5500.
Teleports behind the target's back and attacks.
Power 6000.

Beast Within

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name

Unleashes the power of wild beast for 30 sec.

P. Atk. +20%
Atk. Spd. +20%

Unleashes the power of wild beast for 30 sec.

P. Atk. +25%
Atk. Spd. +25%

Unleashes the power of wild beast for 30 sec.

P. Atk. +30%
Atk. Spd. +30%

Unleashes the power of wild beast for 30 sec.

P. Atk. +40%
Atk. Spd. +40%

Unleashes the power of wild beast for 30 sec.

P. Atk. +50%
Atk. Spd. +50%

Strong Bite

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Strong Bite
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 77+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 1,250,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 79+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 1,750,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 6 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 7 2,250,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 8 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 9 2,750,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 10 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 3,250,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 3,750,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 4,250,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Bites the target.
Power 9300.
Bites the target.
Power 9449.
Bites the target.
Power 9600.
Bites the target.
Power 9754.
Bites the target.
Power 9910.
Bites the target.
Power 10069.
Bites the target.
Power 10230.
Bites the target.
Power 10394.
Bites the target.
Power 10560.
Bites the target.
Power 10729.
Bites the target.
Power 10901.
Bites the target.
Power 11075.
Bites the target.
Power 11252.
Bites the target.
Power 11432.
Bites the target.
Power 11615.


Pet's Specific Skill: Buffalo

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Takes hits well and defends allies.
HP Recovery Potions' Effect +20

Blunt weapon: P. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +10%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Takes hits well and defends allies.
HP Recovery Potions' Effect +20

Blunt weapon: P. Atk. +15%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +15%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Takes hits well and defends allies.
HP Recovery Potions' Effect +20

Blunt weapon: P. Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +20%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Takes hits well and defends allies.
HP Recovery Potions' Effect +20

Blunt weapon: P. Atk. +25%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +25%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Takes hits well and defends allies.
HP Recovery Potions' Effect +20

Blunt weapon: P. Atk. +30%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Spear: P. Atk. +30%

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.

Horn Thrust

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 88.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 341.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 473.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 1098.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 2242.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 3520.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 4207.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 4916.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 5651.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6224.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6324.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6426.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6533.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6636.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6739.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6842.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 6951.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 7057.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 7161.
Attacks the target with horns.
Power 7267.

Rump Stun

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Charges to the target and attacks them.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 480.
Charges to the target and attacks them.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 1216.
Charges to the target and attacks them.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 1780.
Charges to the target and attacks them.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 2180.
Charges to the target and attacks them.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 2580.

Breath of Hurricane

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 200,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 300,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 4 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 7 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 8 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Provokes the target. Power 6000.
Provokes the target. Power 7500.
Provokes the target. Power 9000.
Provokes the target. Power 10500.
Provokes the target. Power 11250.
Provokes the target. Power 12000.
Provokes the target. Power 12750.
Provokes the target. Power 13500.

Pulling Body

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Pulling Body
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 79+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name

Makes nearby enemies move toward the pet.
P. Def. +2200
M. Def. +1600

Makes nearby enemies move toward the pet.
P. Def. +2400
M. Def. +1700

Makes nearby enemies move toward the pet.
P. Def. +2600
M. Def. +1800

Makes nearby enemies move toward the pet.
P. Def. +2800
M. Def. +1900

Makes nearby enemies move toward the pet.
P. Def. +3200
M. Def. +2000


Pet's Specific Skill: Hawk

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Specializes on long range attacks.

Bow: P. Atk. +5%, P. Accuracy +2

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd/ Casting Spd. -10%.
Specializes on long range attacks.

Bow: P. Atk. +7%, P. Accuracy +3

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd/ Casting Spd. -10%.
Specializes on long range attacks.

Bow: P. Atk. +10%, P. Accuracy +4

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd/ Casting Spd. -10%.
Specializes on long range attacks.

Bow: P. Atk. +12%, P. Accuracy +4

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd/ Casting Spd. -10%.
Specializes on long range attacks.

Bow: P. Atk. +15%, P. Accuracy +5

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd/ Casting Spd. -10%.

Arrow Feather

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 115.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 446.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 619.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 1422.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 2642.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 4801.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 5536.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 6293.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 7076.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8306.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8442.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8578.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8722.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8860.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 8998.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 9136.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 9283.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 9422.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 9564.
Explodes feathers limiting enemies' invisibility.
Power 9706.

Quick Jump

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Quickly approaches the target.
Power 800.
Quickly approaches the target.
Power 2500.
Quickly approaches the target.
Power 4500.
Quickly approaches the target.
Power 5500.
Quickly approaches the target.
Power 6500.

Scout's Strike

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 1,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 4,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks the enemy and comes back.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 2500.
Attacks the enemy and comes back.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 2600.
Attacks the enemy and comes back.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 2750.
Attacks the enemy and comes back.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 3000.
Attacks the enemy and comes back.
With a certain chance, stuns the target.
Power 3300.

Feather Storm

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 1,200,000 adena
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 1,400,000 adena
Pet Lv. 77+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 1,600,000 adena
Pet Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 1,800,000 adena
Pet Lv. 79+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 6 2,200,000 adena
Pet Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 7 2,400,000 adena
Pet Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 8 2,600,000 adena
Pet Lv. 83, 2nd evolution
Lv. 9 2,800,000 adena
Pet. Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 10 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 3,200,000 adena
Pet Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 3,400,000 adena
Pet Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 3,600,000 adena
Pet Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 3,800,000 adena
Pet Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 3881.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 3946.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4016.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4082.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4153.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4222.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4289.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4361.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4430.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4499.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4568.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4642.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4711.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4782.
Attacks with feathers.
Decreases Speed.
Power 4853.

Exploding Feather

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Exploding Feather
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 3,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 3,500,000 adena
Pet Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name

With a certain chance, makes an explosion when Feather Storm is used. Duration: 120 sec.
The explosion rate: 30%.

With a certain chance, makes an explosion when Feather Storm is used. Duration: 120 sec.
The explosion rate: 40%.

With a certain chance, makes an explosion when Feather Storm is used. Duration: 120 sec.
The explosion rate: 50%.

With a certain chance, makes an explosion when Feather Storm is used. Duration: 120 sec.
The explosion rate: 80%.

With a certain chance, makes an explosion when Feather Storm is used. Duration: 120 sec.
The explosion rate: 100%.


Pet's Specific Skill: Dragon

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Has inherited strong body, high speed and fast attacks from ancestors.

With a certain chance, triggers Double Crippling Bite after Crippling Bite allowing the pet to attack twice.

Sword: P. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +10%, P. Critical Rate +10

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Has inherited strong body, high speed and fast attacks from ancestors.

With a certain chance, triggers Double Crippling Bite after Crippling Bite allowing the pet to attack twice.

Sword: P. Atk. +15%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +15%, P. Critical Rate +15

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Has inherited strong body, high speed and fast attacks from ancestors.

With a certain chance, triggers Double Crippling Bite after Crippling Bite allowing the pet to attack twice.

Sword: P. Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +20%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Has inherited strong body, high speed and fast attacks from ancestors.

With a certain chance, triggers Double Crippling Bite after Crippling Bite allowing the pet to attack twice.

Sword: P. Atk. +22%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +22%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Has inherited strong body, high speed and fast attacks from ancestors.

With a certain chance, triggers Double Crippling Bite after Crippling Bite allowing the pet to attack twice.

Sword: P. Atk. +25%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Ancient sword: P. Atk. +25%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.

Crippling Bite

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 115.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 446.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 619.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 1422.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 2642.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 4801.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 5536.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 6293.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 7076.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8306.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8442.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8578.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8722.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8860.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 8998.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 9136.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 9283.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 9422.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 9564.
Bites the target ferociously.
Power 9706.

Rushing Assault

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 2,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 2,500,000 adena
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name

Duration: 40 sec.
Speed +30
Atk. Spd. +15%

Duration: 40 sec.
Speed +40
Atk. Spd. +20%

Duration: 40 sec.
Speed +50
Atk. Spd. +25%

Duration: 40 sec.
Speed +55
Atk. Spd. +30%

Duration: 40 sec.
Speed +60
Atk. Spd. +40%

Back Explosion

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Back Explosion
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 79+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 7,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 8,500,000 adena
Pet Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Roars loudly to cast an explosion behind the target and pull them to you.
Stuns the target with a certain chance.
Power 4461.
Roars loudly to cast an explosion behind the target and pull them to you.
Stuns the target with a certain chance.
Power 4652.
Roars loudly to cast an explosion behind the target and pull them to you.
Stuns the target with a certain chance.
Power 4843.
Roars loudly to cast an explosion behind the target and pull them to you.
Stuns the target with a certain chance.
Power 5035.
Roars loudly to cast an explosion behind the target and pull them to you.
Stuns the target with a certain chance.
Power 5356.


Pet's Specific Skill: Wolf

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 10,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Applies damage-increasing buffs when using the Dire Claw and Last Dire Claw skills.

Dual swords: P. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +10%, P. Critical Rate +10

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Applies damage-increasing buffs when using the Dire Claw and Last Dire Claw skills.

Dual swords: P. Atk. +15%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +15%, P. Critical Rate +15

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Applies damage-increasing buffs when using the Dire Claw and Last Dire Claw skills.

Dual swords: P. Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +20%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Applies damage-increasing buffs when using the Dire Claw and Last Dire Claw skills.

Dual swords: P. Atk. +25%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +25%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.
Applies damage-increasing buffs when using the Dire Claw and Last Dire Claw skills.

Dual swords: P. Atk. +30%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Fists: P. Atk. +30%, P. Critical Rate +20

If no applicable weapon is equipped, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. -10%.

Dire Claw

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 1+, no evolution
Lv. 2 No items required
Pet's Lv. 20+, no evolution
Lv. 3 No items required
Pet's Lv. 30+, no evolution
Lv. 4 No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 5 No items required
Pet's Lv. 50+, 1st evolution
Lv. 6 No items required
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 7 No items required
Pet's Lv. 65+, 1st evolution
Lv. 8 No items required
Pet's Lv. 70+, 1st evolution
Lv. 9 No items required
Pet's Lv. 75+, 1st evolution
Lv. 10 No items required
Pet's Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 2,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 16 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 17 3,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 18 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 88+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 19 4,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 20 5,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 96.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 372.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 516.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 1185.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 2202.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 4001.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 4613.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 5244.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 5897.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 6922.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7035.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7148.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7268.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7383.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7498.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7613.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7736.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7852.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 7970.
Attacks with sharp claws.
Power 8088.

Leap Attack

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Learned automatically
No items required
Pet's Lv. 40+, 1st evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 60+, 1st evolution
Lv. 3 1,500,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 2,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 3,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Rushes to the target.
Power 981.
Rushes to the target.
Power 2484.
Rushes to the target.
Power 4461.
Rushes to the target.
Power 6248.
Rushes to the target.
Power 6740.

Last Dire Claw

  • Requirements for learning and upgrading the skill are as follows:
Skill level Requirements
Lv. 1 Pet Book: Last Dire Claw
Pet Lv. 76+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 2 1,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 77+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 3 1,200,000 adena
Pet Lv. 78+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 4 1,400,000 adena
Pet Lv. 79+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 5 1,600,000 adena
Pet Lv. 80+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 6 1,800,000 adena
Pet Lv. 81+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 7 2,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 82+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 8 2,200,000 adena
Pet Lv. 83+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 9 2,400,000 adena
Pet Lv. 84+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 10 2,600,000 adena
Pet Lv. 85+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 11 2,800,000 adena
Pet Lv. 86+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 12 3,000,000 adena
Pet Lv. 87+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 13 3,300,000 adena
Pet Lv. 88+. 2nd evolution
Lv. 14 3,700,000 adena
Pet Lv. 89+, 2nd evolution
Lv. 15 4,000,000 adena
Pet's Lv. 90+, 2nd evolution
(Lv.) Name
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 7760.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 7891.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8032.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8165.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8306.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8442.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8578.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8722.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8860.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 8998.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 9136.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 9283.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 9422.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 9564.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
Temporarily makes itself larger to deliver a more powerful blow.
Power 9706.
Available when the target's HP < 30%.
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